Sunday, August 17, 2008

Tips for Aerobic Exercise

Should I start out as a beginner or an intermediate?

If you have been exercising for less than 2 months you are a beginner. If you have been exercising between one and two months you should follow the beginner program for about a month before advancing to the intermediate level. If you start out as a beginner and find that the workouts are becoming too easy then you may try the intermediate level after 8 weeks at the beginner level. Most importantly, listen to your body and do not try to do too much too fast.

How Often?

All of our exercise programs provide a weekly goal for frequency of exercise. It is usually between four to five times a week. Don't forget to make the most out of every day and try to sneak some activity in even on the "off" days. This could be parking farther away from the front entrance to the mall or taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work.

How Long?

The duration of exercise is also important considering that the longer you workout the more calories you will burn. The goal in your 12- week exercise program is to gradually increase the time that you exercise.

How Hard?

Intensity is also extremely important in exercise training. Use your target heart rate to calculate your exercise intensity goals. You will burn more calories per minute as you increase exercise intensity. As you get more fit you want to gradually increase your exercise intensity but make sure that you are able to sustain that intensity. For example, it is better to go walking for 45 minutes than to run for 5 minutes. However, make sure that when you are walking you are keeping it at a comfortable but challenging pace and not stopping to talk to all of your neighbors along the way!

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